Five Simple Strategies for Prewriting

Engage Students in Prewriting with These 5 Strategies

Getting started writing can be one of the toughest spots for kids when we begin a writing project. Thankfully there are lots of things that we can do to help students over this hurdle. Read on to discover how to engage students in prewriting with these 5 strategies.

5 Simple Strategies for Engaging Your Students in the Prewriting Process

Word Bank

Create a Word Bank- This is one of my favorite strategies. Create a word bank with topic specific words on an anchor chart or white board with your students.

Encourage your students to use words from the word bank in their writing. The word bank can also inspire them to find even more specific words. I love this strategy for reluctant writers because it actually puts words in their mouth (writing).

Graphic Organizers

Graphic organizers- There are all sorts of graphic organizers you could use to help your students start thinking about their writing topic.

A quick Google search of graphic organizers for writing will give you all sorts of ideas, depending on the type of writing your students are completing. I am also including some FREE graphic organizers you can grab at the end of this post.

Story Map

Create a story map- For any type of narrative writing this is a great tool to use. Students can think about all of the parts of their narrative before beginning any writing.

I think this helps to keep their writing more focused and less likely to wander off topic.


Draw a picture- I love including this in prewriting! Give students 10-15 minutes to draw a picture about their idea for writing. They will want to include as much detail as they can in their picture.

This gives students time to think about their story without the pressure of just sitting there staring at a blank piece of paper.

Turn and Talk

Turn and Talk (Discuss with a Partner)- Allowing students to verbalize their writing ideas can give them a head start on writing.

Encourage partners to ask questions and give feedback on the parts of the story they loved hearing.

Simple, yet effective, prewriting strategies for elementary students

Grab a set of free writing organizers below…

You could choose one of these to use next time your students are creating a piece of writing, or you could complete several. The more you do with your students in the prewriting stage, the easier it will be for them to get their ideas down on paper.

I sure hope you found a few ideas to Engage Students in Prewriting with These 5 Strategies!

You might also be interested in checking out this Opinion Writing Launch Lesson- your students will love it!

Opinion Writing Launch Lesson

I also have many writing resources available in my TPT shop that will get your students excited about writing, be sure to check them out!

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Hi, I'm Kim !

I love creating engaging resources for elementary school students (specifically 2nd and 3rd graders) and teachers, too!    I live in Independence, Missouri with my husband and pups! 

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