The someone New book recommendation with tips to help new students in the classroom.

The Someone New Book Recommendation PLUS New Student Tips

The Someone New by Jill Twiss is the perfect book for anytime of the year. Its message of friendship and overcoming your fears is perfect for all ears- young and old. The story is a sweet one and the illustrations are gorgeous (illustrated by EG Keller). 

The Someone New Book Recommendation: Message of Friendship and Overcoming Your Fears! 


Kids will really relate to the feelings that Jitterbug experiences- the quiver in her tummy and the nervousness she experiences thinking about something (or someone) new. I also love how Jitterbug’s friends gently point out to her that she was wrong in the way she treated Pudding. 

This book could be an anchor for talking to kids about how we want to treat someone new to our classroom.

One extension activity after reading this book could be to have students write welcome notes and then as you have new students join your class during the year you could pull out a few of the welcome notes and place them on the new student’s desk to open when they arrive.

Here is a FREE note template you could use with a cute chipmunk to remember Jitterbug and how she faces her fears to welcome Pudding…

FREE Welcome to Our Class Note Template

Another fun way to welcome a new student could be with a Starburst treat for the class and a sign on the new student’s desk. You could purchase a big bag of Starburst and then get it out whenever you have a new student added. This way everyone can celebrate having a new student in class!

Here is an editable certificate you can use (I have included a KeyNote and Powerpoint version- just click in the text box and add the student’s name). You could print the certificate and give it to the student, or you could project the certificate on a white board. 

FREE New Student Certificate

Free New student Welcome Certificate!

This book is available at Barnes and Noble and on Amazon. 

TEACHER TIPS: New Student Prep

Do you prep ahead for any new students that are added to your classroom during the year?
I am sure we have all received a message from the office about 30 minutes before school starts telling you that you have a new student starting that day! Panic sets in as you try to pull everything together quickly… well with a little prep ahead of time you can ease that panic and welcome that student with open arms! 
Tip 1: 
Collect the basic supplies: 2 sharpened pencils, a box of crayons, some scissors, and some glue and place in a storage bag or supply box. All you need to do is pull out the box and your new student is ready to go.
Later in the day when you have time to go through their supplies with them they can return the duplicate supplies and keep any they need. This allows you to keep with your regular morning routine, rather than having to help a new student unpack while other students are arriving. 
Tip 2:
Make new student sets of all textbooks, folders, notebooks, etc. and stack together in one spot so all you have to do is grab a set, rather than having materials all over the place to collect. You can even store these in spare desks around the room (if you have spare desks in your classroom). 
Tip 3:
Any items you create for your students (desk tags, book bin labels, etc.) that are computer generated put in one file on your computer so that you can just pull up the file, add names, and print. Again no searching to find the files that you need! 
These tips are simple and easy to implement, but can really be a time and stress saver in the middle of the year! 
Have a great week!

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Hi, I'm Kim !

I love creating engaging resources for elementary school students (specifically 2nd and 3rd graders) and teachers, too!    I live in Independence, Missouri with my husband and pups! 

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