Quick and Easy Valentine’s Day Treat Idea!

Today I want to share a quick and easy Valentine’s Day treat idea! My kids have loved this treat in the past!  The ingredients are easy to find and the assembly is quick! Ingredients: small cups with lids (Walmart carries these) clear small cups frosting Teddy Grahams (or something similar) sprinkles clear cellophane bags and […]

Our Valentine Holder Zoo!

Today we made our Valentine’s Day card holders. We choose to make ours at school so that everyone has one and they are all similar in scope and size.  The only drawback with these is that they cannot fit all the candy that kids bring with their valentines, so I give them a Ziploc or […]

Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch

Another book that I love to use to teach character is Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch by Eileen Spinelli. Not only does it have a strongly defined main character, but it is such a sweet book with a wonderful message. I read it to my class every year and they always love it.  This year […]