The Good Egg Book Activity

the good egg by jory john book activities

I recently purchased The Good Egg by Jory John as part of a promotion at Barnes and Noble and I am so glad that I did! Just a few pages into the story I realized what a gem this book is!  The Good Egg sends such a positive message about self-care! While written for kids, it […]

Show What You Know… Let It Go!

My school district is testing late this year, so we have just kicked off our big testing theme. Teachers at my school voted and the winner was… “Show What You Know… Let It Go!” I always try to do a testing bulletin board in the hallway. The past few years I have had my students create […]

TESTO Presto! Test Prep Reward Strategy

It’s that time of year again and aren’t we all trying to find ways to make test prep a little easier and less painful? A few years ago I started creating a class “TESTO” board.  As I review class data, I pick out the areas that we still need to work on and review. I […]